About | Me

HI!!! my name is Sultana and welcome to my blog! 
Life isn't always as peachy as the posts you share on social media, but it is what you make of it. So, come and take a journey into my weird and wonderful world.
I have a lot of interests and hobbies, but right now my priorities are being a mummy to our beautiful little girl, and a wife to my lovely husband Mr J, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I did the whole going to universityworking a job but since the birth of our little princess, I chose to be a stay at home mum. Just over 2 yrs ago, I braved into the unknown realms of motherhood, all the while trying to balance all the other areas of my life, when I found myself experiencing loads of new things that I previously had zero knowledge of  - despite all the books I had read! Yes, I am that mum, who upon finding out I was pregnant joined the local library and amassed a huge collection of books - the place was literally full of baby know-how books! 

But what these books fail to tell you is the myriad of emotions you feel when you take your baby home for the first time, the insecurities that come with the responsibility of motherhood, the immense pressure of getting it right, the fear of being labelled as a bad mother! The list is endless but soon you will realise, motherhood is your journey with your child, you're allowed to make mistakes, you'll learn from it and you will survive it. Motherhood has given me so much wisdom, mostly through trial and error, and I want to share my knowledge with other mummies or mummies to be. 

As my baby grew a bit older and I with the help of caffeine, regained some of my lost energy, I found myself more interested in the beauty world again - I mean don't get me wrong,  I was always into beauty and fashion - but I'm sure most new mums would agree with me when I say, those first few weeks looking even vaguely presentable was the absolute last thing on my mind - especially after having a cesarean.

I found myself reading blog posts on new releases in the beauty world, looking at swatches and also doing an immense amount of researching on ALL things baby related! Coming from a family where the girls outnumber the boys, discussing makeup or baby things just occurs naturally, we don't plan it (as much as our husbands think we do!) 

When it's just you to look after, it's easy to fall into bad eating habits and overindulging in those oh so sweet delicacies. But, when you marry a health conscious hubby, your cooking style adapts for the better. And when you become a mummy, it takes you to a whole new level! I still love food, and although I take a more healthier approach, surprisingly I tend to have more fun with food and I can't wait to share my discoveries with you! 

AGONY "AUNT" - the cool, hip kind of course
My friends and sisters would always consult me or ask for advice on certain things and I in turn felt extremely comfortable in the knowledge that whatever advice I was "bestowing" upon them was accurate and honest, in my opinion.

Now, our little one is two years old, besides being incredibly amazing at tonnes of other stuff she is also a dab hand at applying some lip balm with careful precision and *shock* *horror* the old swatching, she's totally got it down, this girl! I found myself taking such a keen interest in baby related things as well as beauty that I was actually having full on conversations about liquid highlighters and contouring with Mr J - lets just say he feigns interest but I see right through him!

However, with that being said one particularly dull and boring afternoon I wondered if I too could use an outlet to share all the things that I love in life - my family, beauty, skincare, fashion, recipes and all the things that make me...well, ME! And so Sultana Says was born and thus, allowing me to share with you, a piece of me.

GRATITUDE! Thank you so much for taking the time to know me a little better! I hope through this blog I get to know you as much as you get to know me. Much love always.

Sultana xxx